Click on Register New Account

2. Populate the company information (name, address, and your name who will be the configuration manager)

Enter email

Enter password

Note: *Password must be at least 6 characters, one number, one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one special character.

3. Create operator credentials (Method 1 of 2)

  To register an operator account from the manager view (logged in as the account owner) click on the operators tab on the left. Click the ‘Add Operator button' link at the top of the right side of the page, and enter the operators email to send the invitation to and their first and last name. Click submit to send the invite to the operator’s email.

3. Create operator credentials (Method 2 of 2)

  To register an operator account with a company, go to the register page ( , click the 'Already have a registration code' link at the top of the page, and enter the company registration code found on the Company page in the manager view. Enter the user name, email and password then click register account

4. Setup the shifts: Select the company tab on the left and scroll down to shifts, click add shift and populate the name, start time, and end time and click submit. Repeat for additional shifts

5. Setup the production lines: Select the lines tab on the left. Click on add line to create a new production line and enter the line name and then click submit to create the new line.

6. Setup the machine types: Machine types are used as a filter to show only the downtime codes that are relevant for the machine type the operator is using. This reduces the length of the drop-down list of downtime codes and prevents operators from selecting a code that does not apply to their machine.

From the Machines tab click add machine Type, enter the type of machine in the machine type name filed and click save machine type to save the machine type.

7. Setup the machines: Select the machines tab on the left. Click on add machine to create a new machine, enter the machine name, select machine type from the drop down, enter the machine capacity in units per day (if the machine were to run all 24 hours) and select the line the machine is part of then click submit to create the machine and line assignment. 

8. Setup the downtime/outage code list: Select the company tab on the left and scroll down to Outage Codes, click add code and populate the name, description, category, and select the machine type. Repeat for additional codes. Note: Machine type “All Machines (Default)” will appear in all machine type drop downs. The type all machines is used for common downtime codes such as break, lunch, cleaning, maintenance, etc.